Let’s make a splash
We’re setting out to break the record for the largest display of origami fish, and we want YOU to be part of it! Each paper fish represents our shared commitment to protecting the Great Lakes.

Protect Our Water, Break a Record
Water is the lifeblood of our region. The Great Lakes are where it all begins, containing 84% of North America’s surface fresh water. We all know how important it is to keep our lakes clean, and that's why we can't let Enbridge’s dangerous Line 5 oil pipeline continue to threaten our waterways.

We’re about to do something BIG (and fun!)
Join us to break the record for the largest display of origami fish! Let’s show the world that we’re united in protecting our waterways and shutting down Line 5 for once and for all.

VIDEO: How to make a fish

Here's how you can make an impact:
Create your origami fish (and share your story) as a personal pledge to protect our water. Send your fish to this address by June 5 to be counted:
Fish for the Future ℅ Sierra Club WI
754 Williamson Street
Madison, WI 53703Join the movement by attending or hosting an event, and spread the word online
Take action by calling on decision-makers to shut down Line 5 once and for all