When you’ve folded your fish, snap a photo and submit it here, with a brief statement about why you’re participating in the project. Why do you care about protecting water and shutting down Line 5?

"I enjoy Lake Michigan in my back yard every day. My hopes are that we can keep our Great Lakes clean and healthy for many generations to come, which include not only humans, but all animals, birds and fish who depend on these lakes!!" - Lynn

"I grew up near Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes are home for me! I hope we can continue to enjoy healthy drinking water and clean, beautiful lakeshores here for many generations to come." - Devon

"Our lakes are part of the Wisconsin way of life. People from all over come to kayak around the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior and spend their summers in Door County on the shores of Lake Michigan. Every day that Line 5 continues to operate, the Wisconsin way of life is in jeopardy. We've got to come together to protect it." - Megan

"I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. According to the EPA in 2010, 843,000 gallons of oil from Enbridge Line 6B entered Talmadge Creek and flowed into the Kalamazoo River, a Lake Michigan tributary. Heavy rains carried oil at least 35 miles downstream. Hundreds of homes and businesses had to be evacuated. About 150 families moved away permanently. Imagine that impact on Copper Falls State Park. Imagine the impact such a break could have on the people who reside in the Bad River reservation?" - Steve